Future Services...

Offer Scholarships

Soon we will plan and offer limited Scholar-Ships to Good, Outstanding & Deserving Students studying in different disciplines and semesters at Dawood University of Engineering & Technology. (DUET) Karachi, Pakistan.

Final Year Project -Awarding

We also plan to award good, innovative, need-of-the-day projects to groups of students, who commit to completing assigned projects with monitory support plus awarding of Digitronics, Canada Merit & Competency Certificates to those students.

Project Advisory

With DUETians having a vast number of very qualified, experienced professionals, we will also look into the direction of offering Project Advisory for selected projects.

Master's Programs in Canada

We will also try to provide the latest and up-to-date information for continuing studies in Masters, at Canadian Universities and other Educational institutions.

Members and family group activities

We also plan to launch many gettin-togethers and family fun activities for all our esteemed members. Like Parties, Outings, Bar-BQs, Camping activities, and much much more....